Bill 18 Temporary Workers

New – Shared Liability between Employers and Temporary Help Agencies – Learn More about Bill 18 Temporary Workers

Do you use temporary workers? Your company’s exposure to liability will change in 2015!

The Ontario Government has passed new legislation – Bill 18, The Stronger Workplaces for Stronger Economy Act. Among other changes, employers are now liable for the unpaid wages of their temporary employees.

The intent of the legislation is to protect workers who perform precarious work – temporary, casual, seasonal, and part-time workers – by implementing changes encouraging employers to follow the law.

Some temporary help agencies and the employers who use their services are not following the law. These agencies do not follow minimum standards for the payment of wages, premiums, overtime, vacation or holiday pay and in many cases the agency is not paying government payroll taxes.

The changes related to shared liability come into effect in November 2015.

What can you do to protect your company and reduce the risk for dual payment of labour expenses? Make sure your temporary help service provider complies with employment laws and is financially stable.

Read more in the Fusion Guide to Bill 18. Talk to a Fusion Advisor to find out how we can help mitigate your liability. We have been protecting our clients for nearly 20 years.

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Carol Irwin

Carol works with our clients to develop and improve HR policies, procedures, employee programs, and solve difficult people management issues.

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