job search working with staffing specialist

Job Search – Benefits of Working with a Staffing Specialist – Part 1

Put your best foot forward, connect with a Staffing Specialist to significantly increase your success in landing a new job opportunity. Learn about the benefits of using a staffing specialist in this two-part blog series – Job Search Working With Staffing Specialist.

As a candidate, throughout your career at one point or another you probably had some form of interaction with a Staffing Specialist. During that interaction, some of you may have begun to question the benefits of connecting with a recruiter. At any point in your job search, connecting with a Staffing Specialist will significantly increase your success in landing a new opportunity. Today we will outline how a Staffing Specialist can help you land your dream job….

The Hidden Job Market

Staffing Specialists are tapped into the Hidden Job Market. Search engines and job boards will have many advertised opportunities listed, however some companies go another route and work with Staffing Firms and keep their jobs undisclosed. We are now talking about several roles that will not be listed anywhere. There are a few reasons for this, the role can be a senior level position that is hard to fill, the company does not want their competition to know they are hiring so they keep it confidential or they just do not want to advertise. If you are looking to access this Hidden Job market, take the time to connect with a Staffing Specialist.

Common End Goal

One commonality between a candidate and a Staffing Specialist is the end goal is the same. The end goal being finding the ideal opportunity and landing it. A Staffing Specialist will walk you through the process and make sure you are well prepared and putting your best foot forward. They will advise you on your resume and interview skills. A Staffing Specialist will also spend time negotiating on your behalf. At the end of the day as a candidate your goal is to find yourself the dream job, a Staffing Specialist can lead you there.

Less Competition

We all know by sending resumes, we are competing with all the other candidates hungry for the same position. One benefit of working with a Staffing Specialist is you will have less competition. You may be up against at most four other candidates. Whereas, when applying through job boards, and search engines we are talking thousands of people. A Staffing Specialist’s job is to find qualified candidates, match them to the opportunity and move forward accordingly. The reason the competition here is less, is because a Staffing Specialist can match skill set quite easily, but what they are really looking for is fit. Whether or not the candidate can fit within the organization. Once the Staffing Specialist narrows it down they only present as mentioned maybe a maximum of four candidates. Partnering with a Staffing Specialist will mean you have a higher chance of success if the opportunity is exactly what you are looking for.

Do you know someone searching for work? Share this blog post – Job Search Working With Staffing Specialist Part 1.

There are many benefits in connecting with a Staffing Specialist. Next time in our blog Job Search Working With Staffing Specialist Part 2, we will discuss how they can help in improving your resume or interview skills, how they can decrease your stress level during your job search and how they can find you’re the perfect role.

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