manage job search frustrations

How to Manage Job Search Frustrations

Searching for a job is hard work!  It can be a real challenge especially in today’s competitive job market to stay positive. Manage job search frustrations with these helpful tips.

Constant disappointment and rejection can become increasingly frustrating and only adds to the stress of searching for a job.  Here are some ways you can remain positive and deal with the frustrations caused by the job search.

Write Down your Goals

Take advantage of this time to make a list of your goals, big and small.  Actually putting them on paper will force you to think about what you want to achieve, and will motivate you to reach them.  It’s almost like a to-do list for your career; it will be very cathartic to check things off your list, which will in turn motivate you throughout your job search.  Writing down your goals can also help you to find links between certain interests which may give you some other ideas on careers options you may not have considered before.     

Stay Organized

Use a notebook or spreadsheet to keep track of all of your applications.  Often times when you are searching for a job, it can almost feel like you are sending out resume after resume into the abyss, especially when you don’t receive any response back.  Staying organized will help you keep track and physically see which positions you have applied to.  Be sure to customize each resume and cover letter for each specific job, and ensure you follow up with each application, unless the job posting says otherwise.  Your spreadsheet can include information such as: job title, company & contact, date you applied, date to follow up, and outcome. 

Don’t be too Hard on Yourself

It is often easy to adopt a negative attitude and become frustrated when searching for a job.  It’s common to start thinking that you’re unemployable, which only adds to the stress of the search.  Try to focus on the positive aspects of the job search even if you have not secured an interview.  You may be building a great network, and learning more about what careers specifically interest you.  Just because you have not secured a job, or an interview yet, does not mean no one wants to hire you.  Focus on your strongest qualities and skills and how you can make these stand out to employers.

Take Days Off

It can be frustrating and emotionally exhausting to be checking job boards and sending out resumes every day.  To manage job search frustrations, you need to take some time to yourself, and take a break from the stress of job searching.  If you don’t you run the risk of burning yourself out, which will only add to your frustrations and negative feelings.  It can also cause you to lose sight of your main objective, which is to find a job that is the right fit, not just to find any ‘job.’  Have scheduled days off – ‘free days’ – where you don’t think about resumes or interviews.  Taking a few days off here and there can help you to refocus and come back fresh and ready to continue your search. 

It’s important to be able to recognize your frustrations and try to work through them.  By following these tips to manage job search frustrations, you’ll be able to handle the stress of the job search and persevere to find the light at the end of the tunnel.

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