Top 6 Skills Employers Want

Welcome back! Last week we discussed 3 skills employers are looking for when hiring – communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. Today we will continue to look at more transferable skills that can be used in a variety of jobs. Here are 3 more skills that employers want:


Employers are looking for someone who goes above and beyond their job responsibilities by taking initiative. Employees with initiative are able to handle job duties without having to wait on instruction from others. They like to see individuals who can take it upon themselves to do something without being told. It is the ability to see what needs, or can be done in order to improve the workplace. Employers want to ensure the people they are hiring can be independent and have the willingness and drive to get things done without being told.

 2. Strong Work Ethic

Having a strong work ethic means that you have the determination and motivation to do the best job possible. Employers want someone who will take pride in their work, and put forth their best efforts at all times.   This could mean taking on additional challenges, or even working overtime to get the job done. Employers want dedicated, hard workers that truly demonstrate that they care about their job.

 3. Positive Attitude

Finally, one of the important skills employees look for when hiring is a positive attitude. Having a positive attitude at work will reflect on what you do and make you a more productive employee. Employers want someone who has a happy demeanor in the workplace, not someone who is pessimistic and has a negative outlook. This will only negatively affect the rest of the team. Employers want their staff to be happy, and having a positive attitude about your work and company is important.

These are just some of the skills that employers are looking for when hiring. Employers are eager to hire people with a strong work ethic, good communication and teamwork skills, and a positive attitude. Be sure to highlight the skills that you possess on your resume to demonstrate the value you bring as an employee.

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