How To Enjoy Your Commute

People spend more time commuting today than ever before. Whether you are taking public transit or driving, commuting can add stress to your day. Depending on the length of your commute, it can significantly reduce the amount of personal time you have with friends and family. Here are some tips to help you enjoy your commute to work.

1.Take Public Transit

If you are able, it’s a good idea to take public transit as your mode of transportation to work. It has been shown that people who take public transit are less stressed than those who drive to work. Speaking from personal experience, if I had the option I would choose to take public transit over driving! You can take some time to read, relax, or even take a nap. Use your commute as a time to ‘zone out’ and de-stress before and after your workday.

2.Find Enjoyable Activities to Pass the Time

Even if you are driving, you can find some things to do that may make your commute less horrible. For example, you can listen to books on tape, catch up with friends or family on the phone (hands-free of course), or listen to a new music mix you just downloaded. You can also listen to podcasts to help you pass the time.

3.Get Comfortable

If can be uncomfortable sitting for long periods at a time, whether in a car or on a train. Wear comfortable shoes and loosen tight clothing before sitting down. If you are driving, be sure to adjust your seat to maximize your comfort. Adjust your headrest or sit on a driving pillow if that makes your commute more comfortable. 

4.Plan your Trip

If you are driving, always check the traffic reports before heading out of the house. That way you can do your best to avoid the busiest spots on the road. Also, if you are able, try to leave the house earlier to skip a lot of the morning traffic. Changing your work hours if possible can also shorten your commute time home as well.

Your commute can serve as a calming transition between the demands of the workplace and home. Use these tips to help you find ways to improve your daily commute.

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