Canadian Staffing Industry Forecast 2015

2014 was a year of steady ups and downs, an oxymoron if you will, that saw the status of the staffing industry remain steady and healthy.

It should be no surprise that the future of any industry depends on the economic growth. In Canada, the forecast isn’t glum but it isn’t showing massive spikes either. For the staffing industry, this is a good thing.

Steady Economic Growth = Employment Growth = Increased Staffing Demand

With a steady, consistent and slowly growing economy the staffing industry will feel the benefits throughout the entire year. Of course the usual ebbs and flows will be evident, but the overall outlook is definitely positive. Here are two key themes the staffing world can look forward to seeing in 2015:

1) Diversity of Clients

For at least the past ten years, small startups that are grounded in technology and innovation have led economic growth around the world. We have seen Facebook rise up to become a publicly traded company valued at more than $200 billion. Other newer and smaller companies like WhatsApp and Uber are also a part of that elite club that have risen from being a minor operation to a global brand worth millions.

But what does the rise in startups mean for the staffing industry? Well, quite a bit. Organizations that are still finding their footing require experts of all varieties to build a foundation that will not only ride the current wave, but take them to the next level. For many startups, once the path has been paved for growth, building a reputable team of professionals is the first step – a step that is ideal for an established staffing company.

2) Steady Need for Back Office Support

Whether it’s a startup or an established company, back office support will always be a requirement. Defined as administration and support personnel, the back office of many institutions is the spine of the entire operation. Growth and general turnover in this area will always require a steady need for capable professionals.

At Fusion, we welcome smaller organizations that allow us to build on our expertise with the established Fortune 500 companies. Bridging the gap between these two distinct forces is a skill that leverages our reputation and the reputation and growth of our clients.

As we move into a new year, embrace the changes that are sure to come, and rely on us to deliver the quality staffing services that your organization depends on.

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Michael Caicco

Michael is Fusion’s Managing Partner and Director of Talent Acquisition. He works with our clients to define their business needs, and consults them on staffing and human resource management.

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