Audra Sayn-Wittgenstein

Audra Sayn-Wittgenstein

Occupational Health & Safety Consultant


Audra is a Health & Safety specialist establishing and maintaining management systems for Fusion and our clients. She has over 20 years of experience in various business and health care roles.

Role at Fusion

Audra helps our clients plan and implement health & safety programs including injury prevention, disability management, education, and positive health models.

Administrative and health & safety issues are constantly in flux in workplaces, requiring people to learn new things. Audra’s expertise and successes include planning and implementation of new processes, related training, as well as teaching people to manage change.


RN – Registered Nurse
BScN – Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Cert. Admin (LTC) – Administration Certificate Long-Term Care
Industrial Hygiene continuing education studies

Professional Memberships

cno    oohna

Strong Point

Calmly working through complex situations.

Words of Wisdom

“To our clients:
Strive for a work environment that makes it easy and safe for employees to do their job. It will benefit everyone and help your business become more successful.

To our candidates:
Be committed to your job and never stop learning.”

Personal Motto

“Positivity. Patience. Personal best.”


“I keep busy with my busy family. I am interested in guitar music, fitness, reading historical novels, and I love to travel.”