bill 18 temporary employees

Bill 18 – Temporary Employees – Update on the Implementation of Bill 18 and Changes to ESA

If your Workplace uses Temporary Employees, you need to be aware of the following Changes to the ESA Effective November 2015 – Bill 18 Implementation – Temporary Employees 

The Stronger Workplaces for a Stronger Economy Act, Bill 18, was passed into law last fall. The Act introduced a number of key changes to Ontario workplace legislation designed to protect workers who perform precarious work – temporary, casual, seasonal, and part-time workers.

Employers who use temporary help agencies should ensure the agency is compliant with all employment regulations and is financially stable.

If your workplace uses temporary employees, you need to be aware of the following changes to the Ontario Employment Standards Act:

  • Shared liability for unpaid wages between temporary help agency and employers.
  • New reporting requirements for temporary help agencies and the employers who use their services.

Joint Liability for Unpaid Wages

Effective November 20, 2015: Shared responsibility for unpaid wages (regular wages, premiums, holiday pay and overtime) between temporary help agency and employer.

Make sure your temporary help service provider complies with employment laws and is financially stable. Under the new law, there is a potential risk of dual payment for labour expenses, in cases where the temporary help agency does not pay workers.


Effective November 20, 2015: New reporting requirements for temporary help agencies and the employers who use their services. Employers must keep records of daily and weekly hours worked. 

Talk to your temporary help service provider to find out their plans for meeting this new reporting requirement.

More Information

Read more in the Fusion Guide to Bill 18 or refer to the Stronger Workplaces for a Stronger Economy Act.


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Carol Irwin

Carol works with our clients to develop and improve HR policies, procedures, employee programs, and solve difficult people management issues.

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