Dealing with Absenteeism? 5 Simple Solutions!

Every company faces the impact of employee absence, but some minimize it by taking proactive steps. Your company can be one of them!

The impact of absence and absenteeism is directly proportional to company bottom line. By implementing certain cultures and procedures, it’s possible to positively affect the absence levels.

Attendance tracking systems

Start by keeping track of employee absence. Having a system that shows employee absence patterns, will help managers deal with employees in a fair and consistent manner. It will also help a company distinguish between those employees that may need further support regarding ongoing personal issues. Making the system transparent and giving access to all employees via company intranet can further help by sharing standards that are expected of them and reduce the chances of employees using lack of accessibility as an excuse as to why they failed to follow the policy.

Wellness Programs

Employee wellness programs have been proven to be one of the most effective ways to create a happy and healthy work environment which will positively impact productivity. Effective wellness programs help keep people fit, induce engagement and provide a topic of conversation without making anyone feel pressured into taking part, all of which results in lower unplanned absences and organizational productiveness. Some wellness program ideas include:

  • On-site fitness center and trainer, Walking or running club
  • Mindfulness classes
  • Stretch breaks
  • Team sports (Volleyball, basketball etc)
  • Book discussion breaks
  • Team outings
  • Ergonomic education and training

Flexible work times

For those type of jobs where possible, it is worth offering flexible work schedules or opportunities to work from home. Employees would enjoy flexibility to meet family and personal needs and obligations conveniently, spend less time commuting, reduce fuel costs and have more control over schedule and work environment. Employers would likely experience all or some of these benefits:

  • Increased employee engagement and productivity
  • Reduced turnover of valued staff
  • Improved image as an employer of choice

Paid time off

Another good idea to help alleviate absenteeism is paid time off. Some Mondays, Fridays and days around national sporting events or public holidays seem to be popular days for unplanned absences. Being aware of these popular days makes it easier to budget for paid time off and unplanned absences.

Future planning

Positive reinforcement simply works, and this is no exception. Rewarding good attendance rather than punishing employees for absence -which is found to be counterproductive- not only encourages employees to clock in every day and compete in a healthy positive environment but also reduces issues that come with presenteeism. As well, professionally conducted health risk assessment on a regular basis provides vital information that help prepare workplaces to deal with absence. Besides, it promotes care, welfare and well-being of employees with positive thinking and shared responsibility with equal concern for all.

Even with all these policies implemented, if employees do not feel secure communicating with management, both employers and employees are less likely to benefit from the results. Making efforts to put employee at ease, showing empathy and encouraging them to be open and honest about their needs and concerns can help understand the situation they’re in and build the trust between employee and management.






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