Are Your Best Employees Leaving? Employee Retention Interviews

Employee turnover is a real issue for employers of all sizes in 2014. Workplace surveys indicate that 65% of Canadians would leave their employer for a better opportunity.

Employees are willing to look at new opportunities for more money, career advancement, and positions that better match their educational background or personal situation (a shorter commute, more flexible work hours, etc.).

Many employers now conduct exit interviews to find out why their top employees are leaving. This is an important step in reviewing your business practices. The next step is to make use of this information. Are your salaries and benefits competitive? Are you promoting your best employees?

Better yet, be proactive and conduct “stay interviews” with your employees. Find out why they are staying with your organization and what could be improved.

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Carol Irwin

Carol works with our clients to develop and improve HR policies, procedures, employee programs, and solve difficult people management issues.

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