How to Gain and Retain Top Talent

Hiring skilled or trained employees is a challenge for most employers in today’s market.

The cost of attracting employees is high and is continuing to increase. However attracting employee is not enough. Companies need to invest in retaining these employees as well. How do companies retain employees? Competitive salary, benefits, good working conditions and extras (community lounge, fitness area etc.), ensuring a good work-life balance among others are very important attractors and retainers.

But the most important expectations according to a recent study is a commitment by companies to make sure that employees obtain proper training and skills updates related to the position. Employees feel that it is the employers’ responsibility to keep them up to date with their skills.

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Michael Caicco

Michael is Fusion’s Managing Partner and Director of Talent Acquisition. He works with our clients to define their business needs, and consults them on staffing and human resource management.

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