Healthy workplace

Imagine a Healthy Workplace

Take a moment to imagine a healthy workplace.

A place that supports the physical, mental, and social wellbeing of employees. October is Healthy Workplace Month in Canada – a time to think about your workplace. Is it a healthy place?

The World Health Organization says physical, mental and social wellbeing are requirements for optimal health. Health is more than simply not having a physical illnesses. To be healthy, people must also be free of excessive mental distress and feel socially connected to others.

Similarly, a healthy workplace is an environment that promotes health for employees by preventing physical injury, undue stress and providing social support. Physical hazards are controlled. Employees feel their workloads are balanced and manageable. And, the social environment is positive.

Workplace activities that promote a healthy environment include:

  • Health & Safety programs and activities
  • Training opportunities to learn and develop skills
  • Opportunities to socialize and work with others
  • Wellness programs and activities
  • Discussions and evaluation of workplace health achievements

It doesn’t matter if you envisioned your workplace as healthy or you feel it needs some improvements. The status of workplace health changes often due to the normal variations in factors that influence businesses. Workplace health is achieved through commitment by individuals and employers who regularly choose healthful behaviours at work. Initiatives that manage physical, mental and social problems in the workplace will lead to happy and productive employees and a healthy workplace.

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Audra Sayn-Wittgenstein

Audra divides her time as a business and Health & Safety manager establishing and maintaining management systems for Fusion and our clients.

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