jobs future Canada

Jobs of the Future – High Demand Jobs in Canada

It should come as no surprise that the career you choose to pursue today, may not be quite so in demand five, ten or even twenty years from now. As technology driven industries move to the forefront, some professional positions will diminish or disappear altogether. Looking ahead to 2020 just five years from now, the landscape will change and career options will vary drastically from what they are today. The future workforce will see what we first thought were trends, solidified as industries of the future, creating the jobs of the future.

Some of the biggest industries of growth and sustainability are information technology and healthcare, and they will continue to grow in the next twenty years. Both of these industries are fueled by two very separate and different situations – the aging population and the fact that technology is changing the way we live our lives.

Information technology came in with a bang and will continue that rapid progress for years to come. The growth of the internet for things like voice over internet protocol (VoIP), e-commerce and online auctions will continue to see phenomenal increases especially as users of the internet double in the next 20 years. Using the internet to communicate and for business transactions has seen major companies like Google, Amazon and Facebook become leaders in business. With this big change, professions such as programming, various engineering specialties and many more are expected to grow exponentially within the next ten years.

In terms of healthcare, our aging Canadian population will require the resources needed to care for them. An aging population will put healthcare workers such as doctors, nurses, physical therapists, home health aides and pharmacists in high demand. On the flip side it will also see the field of scientific research and development grow to accommodate an ever changing climate and environment.

Outside of the healthcare and technology industries, some of the top professions of the future include:

  • Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks
  • Civil Engineer
  • Structural Engineer
  • Construction and trades
  • Business Analyst

A future trend to beware of when carving your career path is the disappearing middleman. The middleman in many businesses will gradually vanish mainly due to better technology being introduced and competition. With these two factors growing side by side the added cost of a middleman is simply unwarranted. For instance, if you can purchase a new dress or DVD player over the Internet, why go through a car salesman.

It’s important to structure your career so that the job you want will be in demand for several years to come, not eliminated. To make sure this happens, proper education is crucial and carving a path based on both emerging and long-standing industries will help to secure that future. Career services organizations play a significant role in ensuring that professionals are aware of the changing trends and in helping organizations develop programs that transition their workforce through the changes that are sure to come.

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Michael Caicco

Michael is Fusion’s Managing Partner and Director of Talent Acquisition. He works with our clients to define their business needs, and consults them on staffing and human resource management.

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