More Money & Job Satisfaction for Engineers

A recent post at the Engineering Blogs claims that the engineers are unhappy with their income levels.

The author pointed out two interesting facts about engineering salaries…

  1. “Over time, engineering salaries tend to level off, and one has to go into management to make more money.”, and
  2. “Despite this plateau, engineers make more money over time than high school grads and nearly every other major.”

Are engineers as a group unhappy with their salaries? If yes, how does this affect their job satisfaction?

Overall, engineers are a well-paid group. Those engineers struggling to find a job that makes them happy should remember that salary is not the only factor affecting job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is an individual experience, yet most people will agree that it takes more than a good salary to be happy at work.

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Michael Caicco

Michael is Fusion’s Managing Partner and Director of Talent Acquisition. He works with our clients to define their business needs, and consults them on staffing and human resource management.

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