Most Common Job Interview Mistakes to Avoid

Congratulations – you’ve gotten a job interview! The next step is to prepare for this interview to ensure you present yourself as a professional and experienced candidate.  Here are some of the most common job interview mistakes to avoid.

1.Showing up Late

First impressions are extremely important in an interview.  Arriving late demonstrates poor time management skills and can also show a lack of respect for the company and your interviewer.  It is always a good idea to plan your route beforehand and arrive early.  If you are going to be late due to unforeseen circumstances, always call the company to let them know.

2. Dressing Inappropriately

It’s important to look professional and polished for each interview.  You can vary your attire based on the position you are applying, but always be sure to look well-dressed and put-together no matter the company and position.  A simple tip – it’s never a good idea to wear jeans to an interview!

3. Talking Too Much

Most interviewees will say that one of the worst parts of the interview is having a candidate that goes on and on and on.  Keep your answers simple and succinct; there is no need to delve into your life story in an interview.  Keep your answers pertaining to the actual question, and do not go off on tangents that have nothing to do with the question that was asked.  Be to-the-point and focused – don’t ramble.

4. Not Knowing Anything About the Company

One of the most common interview questions is ‘what do you know about the company.’   Therefore not being prepared for this question can potentially demonstrate a lack of preparedness and interest in the role or company.  It’s easy to do a bit if background research on the company’s website in order to show that you have prepared for the interview, and that you are eager to work there.

5. Speaking Negatively About Past Companies or Employers

It’s never a good idea to speak negatively about past employers or companies.  You want to present yourself in a way that you are able to work well with others and handle conflicts in a mature way, rather than badmouthing coworkers.  Also, you never know who your interviewer might know – they may worked with the person you are speaking negatively about.  You don’t want the interviewer to think that you may speak negatively about their company or employees as well should you leave their company. 

6. Not Having Questions Prepared

Almost every interviewer will ask if you have any questions at the end of the interview.  Be prepared for this point of the interview and have some questions ready to ask.  Also, be sure to review some questions that you should not ask during an interview such as: did I get the job, or how long will I have to wait until I get a pay raise/promotion.

Use this list to help you avoid the most common interview mistakes.  Be prepared for your interview in order to present yourself as a professional and qualified candidate.   Good Luck!







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