safety planning small business

Health and Safety Planning & Small Business

Safety Planning and Management Solutions for Small Business 

It is the law that all workplaces have a Health & Safety program.  Small businesses often find it difficult to develop a program due to lack of knowledgeable staff and resources including time and money.  These problems are not a good enough reason for small business managers to avoid workplace H&S planning.   The only option is to develop an appropriate workplace safety program.

Where to start?  Committed managers, with or without the help of a Health & Safety Consultant, can develop an effective safety program.  The Workplace Safety & Prevention Service offers the “Roadmap for Small Business” which is an online resource that outlines easy to follow steps for developing a compliant workplace Health & Safety Program in Ontario. The Ontario Ministry of Labour also has many useful references.

To get started:

  • Learn about and commit resources to the project.
  • Assign employees to develop the program.  
  • Put the minimum requirements in place:
    • Provide required training to employees (H&S awareness, WHMIS, First Aid, etc.)
    • Maintain a Health & Safety bulletin board
    • Identify and train about workplace hazards
    • Keep appropriate records
    • Do workplace inspections
    • Report injuries and incidents appropriately
  • Start monitoring and evaluating program outcomes
  • Plan ongoing program development.

Employers cannot ignore their responsibility to manage workplace Health & Safety.  Due diligence is expected as Ontario actively enforces legislation with work stoppages, fines and prosecution recommendations for companies that violate Occupational Health & Safety laws.

Read more about H&S Program Development  Solutions for Small Businesses:

Roadmap for Small Business, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services. 


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Audra Sayn-Wittgenstein

Audra divides her time as a business and Health & Safety manager establishing and maintaining management systems for Fusion and our clients.

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