success first career

You’re Hired! Tips to make your First Career Job a Success

How to make the successful transition from school to your first career job?

Tips for Success in your First Career Job:

  • Be on time.
  • Put away your phone – you are not in school anymore, you are at work.
  • Get organized – use a calendar to schedule your day.
  • Respect deadlines.
  • Be truthful – your boss is not your Mom, Dad or Teacher – it is time to grow up.
  • You have lots to learn – don’t assume after 2 weeks you know everything.
  • Success takes hard work – it takes years of hard work!
  • You will not enjoy everything you do.
  • You can learn a lot from others – be observant, be a good listener, and ask thoughtful questions.
  • Learn all you can about your industry, field of work, and your company.
  • Invest in your career – take courses, read, network, and continue to learn.
  • Don’t assume someone else is managing your career or growth.
  • If someone helps you, be grateful and say thank you.
  • Don’t be afraid – to ask for help, to ask for an assignment, to ask a question, to suggest a new way to do things…
  • Be open minded and make up your own mind about others.
  • Avoid gossip and negative influencers.
  • Smile and have some fun!
  • At the end of the day, think about your contribution …if you owned the company, would you be impressed by your attitude and work?

Good luck! Fusion Career Services posts Career Planning Advice each Monday.

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Carol Irwin

Carol works with our clients to develop and improve HR policies, procedures, employee programs, and solve difficult people management issues.

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