take your kid to work 2016

Career Planning – Take Your Kid to Work 2016

November 2, 2016 is Take Your Kid to Work Day in Canada. Get involved and help inspire students!

Take Your Kid to Work Day is the first Wednesday in November. Each year over 250,000 grade 9 students from across Canada have the opportunity to experience a day in the working world. Students spend the day with their parent, relative, family friend or a community host employer. The event is designed to give students some practical information about the world of work. The day is also intended to get students thinking about career options and encourage staying in school.

Organizations participating in Take Your Kid to Work 2016 have the opportunity to help inspire students and influence the future workforce.

Parents, educators and the business community need to work together to support thoughtful decision making about career choices. Youth need information and guidance to help them choose careers that will interest them, in addition to lead to meaningful work.

The unemployment rate in Canada remains around 7%, compared to 13% youth unemployment rate. We frequently hear news about the struggles of post secondary graduates trying to find work in their field of study. We also hear news about the shortages of people in the skilled trades and science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields. Encouraging more students to pursue careers in high demand fields is necessary for our future economic success. 

The Human Resources Professional Association (HRPA), Canada’s human resource thought leader, has identified youth unemployment as a pressing issue in 2016. The HRPA released a study this month with 21 recommendations to help strengthen Ontario’s workforce. The HRPA is calling for greater collaboration between government, educators and industry. Experts in business and education agree that students need better access to labour market data to help them make informed career decisions.

Learn more about Take Your Kid to Work 2016. Read the HRPA report – Strengthening Ontario’s Workforce for the Jobs of Tomorrow.

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Carol Irwin

Carol works with our clients to develop and improve HR policies, procedures, employee programs, and solve difficult people management issues.

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