Top Three Interview Tips How to Prepare Yourself

Top Three Interview Tips – How to Nail your Interview!

Getting an interview is both exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time. The excitement is potentially landing a great new opportunity. The anxiousness comes from not knowing what to expect. We never know what we will be asked in an interview. However, with these three interview tips you will surely nail your next interview!

Always Be Succinct

I find that when you combine nerves and questions there is a tendency to ramble. We often feel that if a question is asked we need to speak for a certain amount of time. Rambling can cause you to say unnecessary information which in some instances can be perceived negatively. Whatever the question may be, be succinct. Be straight to the point and elaborate when asked too. The interviewer will probe you if they need too.


Keywords are the best way to prepare yourself for an interview. There are so many potential questions that can be asked. With keywords, you are able to pull them out and elaborate as much as you need too. For example, if the interviewer asks “What are the top three skills you feel are important to do this role,” You can think about words like “excellent product knowledge” or “communication skills.” As soon as you think of the keyword than you can better explain it.

Answering Behavioral Questions

All interviews will include behavioral questions. These questions are based on your previous experiences and how you handled them. They often start off with “describe” or “tell me about a time”. Think about actual work situations ahead of time. Times where you worked in teams, or handled a difficult situation. Then make sure your answers are correctly formatted when answering. State the situation, your role, details on the situation, and what the result was. This way you are fully answering the question and can handle any possible probing questions.

Take some time to prepare yourself. Using these three tips will surely help you have a positive outcome for your next interview!





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