working longer hours

Working Longer Hours – 40% of Canadians Report Working More

40% of Canadians Report Working Longer Hours Due to Mobile Technology

According to an Angus Reid poll from 2015, Canadians are working longer hours due to mobile technology. In fact, 40% of Canadians report that they have increased their working hours. Checking and responding to text messages, voice mail and email during off hours accounts for the majority of the extra working hours. Despite the added hours, the majority of Canadians report they are ok with this use of their smart phones. The flexibility offered by using mobile technology seems to outweigh any downside of working additional hours during personal time.

Up to 21% of Canadians check email after hours every day. While another 20% check email regularly. Younger workers in the 18 to 24 age group were more likely to report after hours work than older age groups.

What is the impact of all this “checking in”?

We need to be careful not to take advantage of the 24/7 availability of employees. Employers need to set boundaries and ensure people have sufficient breaks away from work. Studies have repeatedly demonstrated that over work results in a decline in productivity and quality.

Resist the temptation to get a quick answer or to share your great new idea that pops into your head at 11 pm. Instead, send yourself a note to follow up in the morning. Just because we are entering a new era where people demand instant feedback does not mean we cannot limit our expectations.

The upside of mobile technology is the increasing flexible workday. Many jobs are no longer tied to the traditional 9 to 5 office hours. Some work can be done at any time of day and allows employees to make effective use of their work and personal time. Many people find their most productive work times are late in the evening or very early in the morning. Others want to take time out during the traditional work day to exercise or to participate in their children’s activities. These employees are willing to work in the evening or on weekends to ensure the flexible schedule benefits everyone.

Interested in more details from the Angus Reid Research?


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Carol Irwin

Carol works with our clients to develop and improve HR policies, procedures, employee programs, and solve difficult people management issues.

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